In 2010, Banah left Syria with her 5 year old daughter Rama, and her 9 month old baby boy. Rama was diagnosed with Goldenhar Syndrome, and coming to the US for medical care was one of her only options.
But just a few months later a war broke out in Syria making it impossible for Banah and her children to her homeland. As a result, they started from scratch and have been in the US ever since.
The ability to introduce Banah and her daughter to each of you is one of the most beautiful privileges I’ve had on this show. Their story is one of resilience, positivity, strength, and an impressively unbreakable spirit.
Goldenhar Syndrome is a rare congenital condition characterized by abnormal development of the eye, and ear, which in Rama’s case required jaw surgery. I first met them while volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, when Rama had just had her first surgery.
One of the things that has remained in my heart, even after 12 years, is Banah’s beautiful smile and incredible ability to always see the good in things. Even throughout Rama’s multiple interventions and Banah herself getting diagnosed with cancer, they found the strength and resilience to keep going and get better.
Banah has since become an art teacher and a volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House, and has refused to let difficulties such as language barriers stop her from building a new life for her family.
In today’s episode she shares her best advice on how to keep going when you run into a problem you can’t solve, how giving back to the community helped her find joy and purpose, and how to support a child going through a difficult medical journey. She reminds us that looking for happiness in the small things is always an option, and can truly help us stay strong and inspire our children to do the same. She chooses to take her life step-by-step, and I invite you to come listen to her inspiring story that will certainly leave you with a warm heart and a smile.
Key Takeaways with Banah Abourobeieh
- Banah’s advice for staying positive and resilient through life’s adversities.
- Finding the strength to rebuild a life from scratch in a new country.
- Advice on helping your child through their medical journey.
- How the Ronald McDonald House Charities help families in need.
- Giving back to the community as a source of inner strength and purpose.
- How staying in action can help you find solutions to your problems.
- How connecting with others going through a similar medical journey can inspire you to keep going.
- Using art and other forms of self-expression as an outlet for self-care.
Banah Abourobeieh Tweetables
- “You have two choices: one is to be upset, and the other is to try to do your best. My goal was to see the happiness in life.” – Banah Abourobeieh
- “In the Ronald McDonald Houses they really care; they have love for the sick kids and the family watching the kids. All of this filled my life with happiness.” – Banah Abourobeieh
- “Being busy helps you solve problems. Sometimes you won’t know how to do something, but staying at home in bed won’t help. You need to go out and do something. Maybe not for you, but for the community. ” – Banah Abourobeieh
- “I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” – Leonardo da Vinci
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